Oremus Symposium
A Networking Event for Leaders of Independent Schools
It began as a small brown-bag gathering convened by Earl Oremus and colleagues at an International Dyslexia Association conference. Under his leadership, it grew into a dynamic annual meeting where leaders of independent schools for students with learning differences gathered to share innovations, promote best practices, encourage outreach, identify areas for collaboration, and network. This annual meeting, that now bears his name, honors Earl’s legacy at IDA, celebrates his fierce love for students with learning differences, and continues extending his leadership among the community of independent schools dedicated to providing these students with the most effective programs and instruction possible—wherever they may attend school.
(Funding for the Earl Oremus Independent School Summit at IDA was established with a gift from The LD Network in recognition of his years of service as its president.)
Event Overview
The heads and lead administrators of independent schools for children with learning differences are invited to attend an interactive event that is designed to facilitate small-group, collegial discussion of topics of common concern, a sharing of ideas and experiences, and the identification of other opportunities to collaborate with one another. Specifically, this session will include two roundtable discussion sessions and two short talks on inspiring or research topics related to learning differences.